The logo is taken from an image by John Bauer.
Inspired by igorw and his Troll MOD for phpBB 3.0. I was able to find a backup of the code from that MOD and am currently working to convert it to an extension.
This will make trolls miserable. I like the idea and the tactics behind this already.
Edit: Just a quick question though. How will users be marked? Will it just be a box tick in the Administer User section of the ACP, or will there be a usergroup that does this?
Dimetrodon wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 5:10 pm
How will users be marked? Will it just be a box tick in the Administer User section of the ACP, or will there be a usergroup that does this?
You mark a user as a troll and it will set a cookie for the user.